Star Wars Jedi: The Fallen Order

A Electronic Arts e a Respawn Entertainment anunciaram hoje que Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order foi o título Star Wars com vendas mais rápidas em formato digital nas suas duas primeiras semanas. O jogo também foi o Star Wars que teve maiores vendas no PC em seu lançamento.

Paralelo a isso, a Respawn Entertainment divulgou os patch notes da próxima atualização de Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. No caso, são diversas correções, sendo que as principais estão relacionadas ao problema de impedir o progresso no game. Outros “menores” relacionados aos colecionáveis e relatados em nossa análise parece que não foram corrigidos neste patch.

A atualização chega hoje ao PC e nos próximos dias ao PS4 e Xbox One. Veja os patch notes na íntegra (em inglês) logo abaixo.

  • There was an issue that would sometimes cause BD-1 to turn invisible after completing Bogano. This has been fixed and everyone’s favourite droid will now be visible.
  • The Force bar has had its colour switched, making it easier to read.
  • You will no longer be able to glitch through a wall on Ilum.
  • An issue that caused the Spire of Miktrull from being raised has been fixed.
  • A missing bridge on Dathomir has been located, no longer blocking game progress.
  • Spheres can no longer get stuck in the wall within the Tomb of Eilram.
  • An issue preventing players from leaving the tomb on Dathomir has been addressed.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing players from completing the Force Push tutorial.
  • Players can no longer bypass a specific area on Dathomir that requires double jump.
  • BD-1 will no longer disappear during a later section of the game.
  • Talking to BD-1 during the AT-AT scene on Kashyyyk will no longer break the scene.
  • There was an issue which prevented players from locating the double bladed lightsaber on Dathomir, this has been addressed.
  • Improved collision on Bogano.
  • Improved collision on Ilum.
  • Fixed an issue which would cause the player to die at the same time as another [spoiler] character.
  • Fixed an issue which would cause parts of the level to become affected by lightsaber throws during one of the fights with [spoiler].
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck on Dathomir after defeating [spoiler].
  • Fixed an issue from occurring where a character would not appear on Dathomir, and thus preventing players from progressing.
  • An issue preventing players from completing a sphere puzzle on Zeffo has been addressed.