O dia Primeiro de Abril chegou e, com ele, diversas companhias estão fazendo brincadeiras. Abaixo você confere algumas delas e que possuem relação com PlayStation.
DiRT Rollers (Codemasters)
DuckTales QuackShots (FDG Entertainment)
Surprise! We're happy to announce our new game project #DuckTales QuackShots together with our #MonsterBoyGame development partner Game Atelier! pic.twitter.com/iQfmnwLcPH
— FDG Entertainment (@FDG_Games) April 1, 2020
GRIP: Combat Racing (Vomit Racing Edition)
War Thunder
Digimon (Omedamon, inspirado em Medabots)
別次元のデジタルワールドから迷い込んだ正体不明の聖機士デジモン。詳細なプロフィールは、デジモン図鑑でチェック!⇒https://t.co/5T3AtQP8FE#1997年同級生 #液晶玩具 #エイプリルフール #デジモン #メダロット pic.twitter.com/2FMJVk1fVB— デジモンウェブ公式 (@digimonweb_net) April 1, 2020
Platinum Games: o quarto anúncio da companhia acabou sendo uma brincadeira de primeiro de abril.
Capcom: diz que não fará primeiro de abril.
The future may be uncertain,
but remember – we're not alone.
There are people fighting on the front lines to make things better.
And each and every one of us can do our part.This year, instead of celebrating April Fool's, we'll be supporting everyone in these trying times. pic.twitter.com/RSBz0qOSNj
— Capcom Dev 1 (@dev1_official) March 31, 2020
Street Fighter V: mini-game Neco Drop.
World of Tanks
PUBG (Fantasy Battle Royale)
Overwatch (os olhos dos personagens)