Star Wars Battlefront II

A DICE revelou os patch notes da atualização de julho que Star Wars Battlefront 2 receberá hoje, 11 de julho. A atualização não oferece novidades, mas há diversos consertos.

O primeiro deles é em relação ao modo Ataque com Caças Estelares (Starfighter Assault). O patch mais recente do game fez com que as partidas desse modo começassem antes das equipes estarem balanceadas devidamente. Isso será arrumado, portanto.

Outros consertos são, por exemplo: de vez em quando efeitos visuais ficavam bugados quando você atacava ou defendia com Darth Vader, sendo que o seu sabre de luz também desaparecia. A velocidade da animação de Conde Dookan era resetada se o jogador desviava ou corria.

Apesar do patch não trazer novidades, há novas quests para a comunidade. Ao completá-las, será possível adquirir novas poses de vitória e falas para Darth Maul, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda e General Grievous.

Confira abaixo os patch notes na íntegra.


  • Added new Community Quests to take place over July. The new quests will unlock animated Victory Poses and new Voice Lines for Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Darth Maul, and General Grievous.
  • Added new Phase I Trooper bundles for all Legions.
  • Fixed an issue where a round on Starfighter Assault and Hero Showdown could begin and end without the player number criteria having been successfully met.


  • Fixed a visual issue where impact VFX would incorrectly trigger, when playing as Vader and attacking while holding the Block button.
  • Fixed an issue where Vader’s Lightsaber would stop being visible when switching the lightsaber off before throwing it against an opponent.
  • Visual tech animation improvements to the chestplate of the General Kenobi appearance.
  • Fixed an issue where sprinting or dashing while Count Dooku’s Duelist ability was active, would reset the ability’s animation speed.
  • Community Request: Changed Finn’s Covert Leader Star Card to take effect whenever Finn defeats an enemy.
  • Community Request: Obi-Wan Kenobi is now immune to enemy Force abilities while performing All-Out Push.


  • Fixed a visual issue where the Droideka’s energy shield would not be visible when in the Squad Spawn screen, after joining a game already in progress.
  • Added Milestones for the Droideka and TX-130.
  • Fixed an issue where the AT-ST could occasionally defeat heroes in one-shot.


  • Fixed an issue where the weapon would occasionally disappear after combat rolling and shooting at the same time, when in first-person view.

Known Issues

  • Because of an issue that came up late in the process, the “Charged and Ready” Milestone is not accurately tracking dealt damage. The issue will be resolved in the next update.
  • Kylo Ren’s Pull ability can still interrupt Obi-Wan’s All-Out Push. This will be changed in the next update.