Star Wars Jedi: The Fallen Order

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order está disponível a partir de hoje e o embargo dos reviews terminou. Infelizmente, a Electronic Arts não disponibilizou muitas cópias para análise, então você não verá muitas delas tão cedo.

Confira abaixo as notas que o jogo vem recebendo.

OpenCritic – 86 (20 reviews)
Metacritic – 91 (8 reviews)

IGN: 9/10

It’s been ages since we got a great single-player Star Wars action game, but Jedi: Fallen Order makes up for a lot of lost time. A strong cast sells a dark story while keeping things fun and loyal to Star Wars lore, and fast, challenging combat mixes with energetic platforming, decent puzzles, and diverse locations to explore for an all-around amazing game.

Easy Allies: 9/10

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a fantastic title and stands as one of the best Star Wars games yet.

Game Informer: 8.8/10

Despite these numerous little problems, Respawn’s maiden voyage with Star Wars is largely a success. I couldn’t put this game down, both for the thrill of exploring and wanting to see where the story took me next. The inspirations taken from Dark Souls, Uncharted, and Metroid Prime unite to create something unique that just happens to work incredibly well for this beloved license. Like most starships in this universe, Jedi: Fallen Order could use a little polish, but the rust doesn’t hold it back from roaring with excitement.

GameSpot: 8/10

It’s true that Fallen Order borrows liberally from other action games, but those elements work together with Respawn’s combat and environment design, and a story that finds humanity in the Force and in its characters, to hone in on what makes the world of Star Wars worthy of revisiting again and again. Even with some rough edges, Fallen Order represents one of the most compelling game additions to the Star Wars franchise in years.

USGamer: 3.5/5

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order comes painfully close to being the best action game of the year, but it ultimately falls short due to pacing problems and a host of technical issues. Still, this is the first step into a larger world for a franchise that has persistently struggled since its acquisition by EA.

Paralelo a isso, um trailer live action de Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order foi divulgado. Veja logo abaixo.