Genshin Impact

Tekken 8 custou quase três vezes mais que o antecessor; patch notes da atualização desta semana

Tekken 8

Katsuhiro Harada disse que Tekken 8 custou cerca de três vezes mais para ser desenvolvido do que seu antecessor. O produtor executivo do título levantou isso em defesa dos elementos de serviço ao vivo.

As microtransações são uma prática bem estabelecida que nunca deixou de ser controversa. Portanto, não é surpreendente que os recursos de serviço ao vivo em Tekken 8 tenham causado polêmica.

Embora alguns fãs sejam altamente críticos em relação à prática, a conversa levou o produtor executivo Katsuhiro Harada a apresentar seus próprios argumentos. Segundo Harada, que trabalha na franquia desde o seu início, as microtransações são necessárias no desenvolvimento de jogos modernos. Ele diz que essa é a única maneira pela qual a Bandai Namco e a Arika podem dar suporte ao jogo pós-lançamento. “Os custos de desenvolvimento são agora 10 vezes mais caros do que nos anos 90 e mais que o dobro ou quase o triplo do custo de Tekken 7”.

Harada também explicou que a empresa precisa de microtransações para pagar pelos patches e atualizações de Tekken 8.

Coincidentemente, o patch desta semana adiciona a ‘Tekken Shop’ e outras novidades, como a colaboração com Uniqlo UT e alguns ajustes. Veja os patch notes a seguir (via site oficial).

Tekken 8 Version 1.02.01 Patch Notes

Update Contents
• In-game collaboration “UT×TEKKEN”
• New feature “TEKKEN SHOP” will be implemented.
• Measures against players discovered cheating in RANKED MATCH
• Functional improvements.
• Bug fixes.
• Behavior/properties of moves will be adjusted for some characters.

In-game collaboration “UT×TEKKEN”
• Customization items with the same design as the UT collaboration T-shirts commemorating the 30th anniversary of TEKKEN, sold at UNIQLO stores, will be available for free in the TEKKEN SHOP. These items include customization items for playable characters (2 types) and avatar customization items (1 type).

New feature “TEKKEN SHOP” will be implemented
• In the TEKKEN SHOP, you can obtain various customization items such as popular legacy costumes for playable characters and avatar skins for specific characters. We plan to add new categories and items every month.
• Various items in the TEKKEN SHOP include both free and paid items. Paid items can be obtained by spending “TEKKEN COINS” purchased in each platform’s store.

Measures against players discovered cheating in RANKED MATCH
• High ranking players who were reported multiple times and were found to have cheated were removed from the LEADERBOARD, and their ranks were reset to BEGINNER.

Functional improvements
• In TEKKEN FIGHT LOUNGE, the matchmaking waiting state now continues after finishing a match in Match Anywhere without needing to select it again.
• In TEKKEN FIGHT LOUNGE, My Profile can be selected when accessing the customization shop’s staff or terminal.
• Status of members in a GROUP in PLAYER MATCH is now displayed.
• Maximum number of consecutive wins displayed increased from 99 to 999.

Bug fixes
• Fixed an issue in which some titles wouldn’t unlock via ARCADE QUEST progression. *affected players can obtain those titles automatically next time they enter ARCADE QUEST.
• In TEKKEN BALL, fixed an issue where Panda and Leroy couldn’t do a long back dash.
• Fixed an issue where in certain instances a color unavailable in Character Customization was selectable when saved in Saved Colors.
• During an online match, selecting Rematch and then the opponent declining would sometimes cause the game to become unresponsive for a certain amount of time, however this issue has been fixed.