Avengers Patch Notes

A Crystal Dynamics tem estado ativa quanto ao suporte de Marvel’s Avengers desde seu lançamento. Além do patch de day one, mais 2 foram liberados e todos tem como objetivo deixar o jogo cada vez melhor.

A atualização 1.2.5 foi liberada ontem e  trouxe algumas melhorias e correções, principalmente eliminação de bugs que ficaram recorrentes, como cenário não carregar e o personagem ficar caindo infinitamente, skins liberadas que não apareciam, cartas de desafios que ficavam bloqueadas caso conexão caísse além de melhorias no sistema de save e também nos loadings.

Entretanto, o mais importante do anúncio desse novo patch é como a desenvolvedora planeja o suporte para o jogo em breve. O time agradece primeiramente todos aqueles que adoraram a campanha do jogo e que estão se aventurando na luta dos Vingadores contra a IMA. Porém, sabem que há alguns problemas no jogo que precisam de atenção e que querem garantir estarem empenhados em solucionar todos. Problemas como o matchmaking não estar funcionando normalmente ou restaurar retroativamente coisas que o jogador perdeu serão resolvidos na atualização 1.3.0, que será liberada na próxima semana. Além disso, a equipe está de olho em todo feedback dado pelos jogadores e querem fazer da experiência de Marvel’s Avengers a melhor possível, já que o jogo está apenas no início e há muito mais por vir.

As notas completas do patch podem ser vistas abaixo.

PC Patch Notes: V1.0 Build 12.11

Released September 6 

We released a hotfix-patch for Marvel’s Avengers, build 12.11, in response to some significant issues seen for some players. This patch will be applied by Steam automatically when you next start the game. If your game does not update, please restart the Steam client.

List of fixes for this patch:

  • Fixes the issue where some outfits were being relocked. We are still investigating how to return outfits that don’t come from the Marketplace or through Challenge Cards to affected players.
  • Fixed a problem which caused some players to fall out of world when starting Avengers Initiative.
  •  Fixes for certain DEVICE_HUNG crashes that some uses are experiencing.


PlayStation & Xbox Patch Notes V1.2.5

Released September 9

Patch fixes for V1.2.4 have been combined with V1.2.5 – the below patch notes account for both updates.

Patch V1.2.5 resolves a number of playthroughs stoppers. Our next patch – V1.3.0 – will be our largest yet and will resolve bad states for bugs fixed in 1.2.5, as well as address hundreds of smaller quality of life issues. We are rigorously testing V1.3.0. to ensure it is ready for deployment, and will update you when we have a timeline to share!

Patch V1.2.5: 

  • Resolved an infrequent bug where players are unable to progress with the campaign due to an infinite loading screen.
    • This patch does not resolve the fix for those who have already encountered it – bad save states will be resolved in V1.3.0.
  • Addressed majority of instances of a partially loaded Helicarrier which resulted in characters infinitely falling out of world when trying to access the Avengers Initiative.
    • There are rare instances where this could happen still, but the patch ensures that loading back into the main menu and then returning to the Avengers Initiative will resolve it. We are still working to eliminate this bug entirely.
  • Campaign Mission reward outfits will no longer disappear from Cosmetics Inventory UI. This presented as costumes that were previously unlocked through campaign progress – such as the Stark Tech outfits – reverting to a locked state.
    • We prevented this from happening in V1.2.5, but the patch does not return outfits for those who have already encountered it – bad save states will be resolved In V1.3.0.
  • [Updated for Clarity] Marketplace and Challenge Card outfits should no longer temporarily appear locked if you lose connectivity while in the game. We are still investigating locked Pattern and Vendor outfits.
  • Updated Community Challenge UI that now reflects current community progress.
  • Backup Save UI improvements
  • Load time optimizations
  • Xbox Only: Achievements should now unlock and increment properly. We are still investigating if all Achievements will be granted retroactively – our current theory is that story-based will, but challenge-based will not.