God of War: Ragnarok recebe patch 4.01 com correções

God of War: Ragnarok

A Santa Monica Studio divulgou um patch de versão 4.01 com correções para God of War: Ragnarok.

Na semana passada tivemos o Novo Jogo+ para God of War: Ragnarok e o patch de hoje apenas corrige algumas coisas que surgiram com o update.

Os patch notes podem ser vistos na íntegra a seguir, mas são coisas como troféus não destravando no Novo Jogo+, algumas armaduras não indo além do nível 9 e recompensas de quests não sendo oferecidas.

Patch Notes [v. 04.01]


  • Fixed an issue where Darkdale Waist Guard or Risen Snow Armor could not be upgraded past Level 9 in NG+.


  • Fixed an issue where certain quest resources were not granted upon completion in NG+ (Lindwyrm Scales, Sovereign Coals, Essence of Hel). These resources will be granted retroactively to players who should have received them.


  • Fixed a rare case where the application would crash when loading certain save files.


  • Fixed an issue where the “Ready for Commitment” trophy would not unlock when upgrading NG+ armor to Level 9 or above.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Dragon Slayer” trophy could not be earned during NG+ if the player did not craft the Dragon Scale armor during first playthrough on base game.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Phalanx” trophy could not be earned if the player crafted a Level 9+ shield prior to crafting every other type of shield.

If you receive the armor from the Lost Items Chest in the shop, you will need to restart or reload your game to get the trophy.

Please note that these trophies will be granted retroactively to players who fulfilled the prerequisites between the time the NG+ patch (v. 04.00) and this patch were implemented.


  • Fixed a rare case where the application would crash in the UI.