Genshin Impact

Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster recebe patch com suporte a 120 fps no PS5

Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster

A Nightdive Studios anunciou que o Patch 1.0.4 está disponível para Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster.

A principal novidade é suporte a 120 fps no PS5 e Xbox Series. O update também ajusta o timing da música, física do gelo, botões das portas e mais.

Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster está disponível para PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Switch e PC.

Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster – Patch Notes 1.0.4

  • Cheating is now reset when players change levels
  • Improve music playback timing
  • Fix randomization of scripted music events
  • Fix music panning
  • Fix random note dropouts (sometimes in music individual notes would just stop)
  • Fix ice physics
  • Fix some switches not working (like in Ramsees Hed)
  • Fix issue rendering mask on GPU renderer
  • Fix culling of 3D models
  • Performance fixes for Switch
  • Fix target FPS on PS5/XSX (used to be locked at 60 FPS, now runs at 120)
  • Fix texture offset for floor-based skies
  • Fix repeater sound incorrectly stopping when it should loop
  • Fix collision at high framerates
  • Fix switches on Avenger
  • Fix a rare crash when skipping forward through levels
  • Slow down homing missiles to match the original game
  • Fix some hi-res sprites so they use fullbright effects
  • Add HD loading screen
  • Weapon Wheel now always has weapons in the same place
  • Add animation to Death Star Plans and Nava Card
  • (PC ONLY) – Compatibility Fixes