Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris

Não demorou muito tempo após o seu lançamento para os jogadores identificarem uma série de problemas e bugs em Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris, algo apontado inclusive durante a nossa transmissão do jogo na última sexta-feira.

Os problemas incluem texturas aparecendo aleatoriamente, tempos de carregamento longos, quedas de framerate e até mesmo vários glitches que tem feito os jogadores perderem seu progresso no multiplayer.

Felizmente, a conta oficial da Bandai Namco US postou uma declaração do Diretor Executivo Yosuke Futami explicando que eles estão cientes dos problemas e quais os consertos que serão lançados.

Aqui é Yosuke Futami, Produtor Execito da série de jogos de Sword Art Online. Obrigado por jogarem Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris.

Nós temos prestado atenção ao seu feedback. A equipe de desenvolvimento e eu estamos trabalhando com dedicação para resolver os problemas de performance para poder melhorar a jogabilidade o mais rápido possível.

Por favor acessem o link para detalhes nos bugs que nós estamos resolvendo. Obrigado pelo seu contínuo suporte, paciência e feedback; ele é realmente apreciado.

E abaixo você pode ver a lista dos bugs que serão corrigidos com a versão 1.01 segundo a Bandai Namco, retirados diretamente do site oficial do jogo.

1) The game has a chance to freeze or get stuck in the below conditions:

  • Main quests:
    Chapter 1: Heading to the 100th floor form the 95th floor in the Central Cathedral
    Chapter 1: “All That You Can Be” event (Sadore’s event)Chapter1: “First Real Fight” On some occasions, the player cannot progress through the event after they talk to Ronie and Tiese.

    Chapter 2: An event heading to the Sustira Village in the Sothercrois.

    Chapter 3: “Clamp Cluster” event

  • Others:

    Partner characters will trigger an event that prohibits the player to go beyond the playable area, and will repeat labeling the same text.

*Planned timing for fix: Late July

*For temporary solutions to prevent these issues, please read the “Solutions” below.

2) Players clipping through environments or falling through the map.

  • When the player is not targeted by the enemy, select [MAP] > [Fast Travel] and transport to a near location.
  • When the player is targeted by the enemy, you cannot use [Fast Travel], thus you will have to restart the application.
  • When a partner character is stuck in the map and not clipping through the environment, you can switch to that character which will then teleport them to their usual location.

*Planned timing for fix: Late July

3) Choosing online multiplayer will change the progress of the main quest.

  • When the host of the party is further into the main quest than other party members, the party member(s) has a chance for the progress of their main quest to change.

    If the progress of the main quest shown in your game is further than it was previously, please do not save the game and restart your application.

*Moving to another area will save the game, thus we do not recommend doing this if the progress of your main quest has changed after playing online multiplayer.

*Please note that if you happen to save the game, you will have to load from the chapter save data.

*Temporary solution: Please play the online multiplayer mode after completing the main game or refrain from playing the online multiplayer mode until the release of the patch planned in late July.

4) Loading time

5) Frame rate drops

6) Camera controls

7) Auto save feature

*Until the update patch releases, please make sure to manually save the game occasionally.

8) Common bugs and error fixes and usability improvements

For 4~8, we are planning improvements in future updates.

Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris está disponível para PlayStation 4, Xbox One e PC.