Everybody’s Golf VR

Everybody’s Golf VR foi lançado nesta semana para o PS VR e abaixo você confere alguns dos reviews que o jogo recebeu, assim como os links para o Metacritic e OpenCritic.

De uma maneira geral, o jogo é bem polido e interessante, porém não oferece multiplayer e contém apenas três “courses” (ou seja, o conteúdo é bem escasso).


Gaming Age – 10/10

I was really surprised by Everybody’s Golf VR, in the most pleasant way possible. Not being a golf fan by any means, I thoroughly enjoyed what Clap Hanz has done here. If you have a VR, I highly recommend this title, even if you don’t like the actual sport of golf, you will have fun here. It may be a little skimpy with content, but that shouldn’t stop you from checking this one out. This one definitely should not be missed!

Digital Chumps – 9/10

Everybody’s Golf VR’s devotion to (and immersion in) the ambience of golf transcends its simulation-oriented peers. As I swing a virtual club with one of my physical hands on a course populated by dinosaurs, instead of feeling lost in the abstract, I’m committed to refining and improving my shot. Everybody’s Golf VR’s affable pragmatism and judicious feedback grant access to a sport I had always considered too distant and aloof to negotiate.

Gaming Trend – 8,5/10

In the end, Everybody’s Golf VR is an excellent new way to experience golf without the funny pants or rising greens fees. What it lacks in localization, it more than makes up for with immersive and light hearted fun. Tee up, this one is fun for the whole family.

DarkStation – 8/10

With different gameplay options designed to suit quick or extended play, cosmetic goodies to earn, and multiple courses, Everybody’s Golf VR offers good value for its thirty dollar price tag. I was concerned about using the Move wand at first, knowing that certain VR games I’ve played before suffered tracking issues, but I had absolutely no problems here. And it’s way, way better than using the Dualshock. Sadly, the Move couldn’t help me with my own physical failings, meaning that many, let’s be real, all missed and failed swings were my fault. Everybody’s Golf VR is challenging and more physically demanding but is just as fun and spirited as any other game in the series.

Destructoid – 8/10

You can get a feel for Everybody’s Golf VR in a few short hours, but if you’re anything like me, you won’t want to move on quite so fast. It’s an earworm of a game. Just thinking about it makes me want to dig out my PlayStation VR and clear the room. That’s no small feat.

Twinfinite – 8/10

Everybody’s Golf nails the most important thing: hitting the ball feels great. It’s just disappointing that there isn’t anything in the way of multiplayer to test your technique against your friends.

Upload VR – 7,5/10

Everybody’s Golf VR is a solid adaptation of the franchise for the PSVR. The gameplay is extremely fun and engaging, even if lacking in terms of accuracy a bit due to the limitations of the PSVR as a platform. I was left wanting multiplayer support and more courses to pick from, but the variety offered within each course and amount of unlockables available provides plenty of goodies for fans to dig into.

Critical Hit – 7,5/10

There’s a stark lack of content on offer here, but that shouldn’t detract from what’s one of the best digital recreations of Golf available. There’s not a lot of it, but what there is, is a joy to play.

PlayStation LifeStyle – 7,5/10

This is a niche spin-off of an already niche series on a niche platform, so it’s understandable why this might not be for you. However, the beauty in its simplicity, its slow-paced nature, and fun factor are enough for anyone to enjoy, if given a shot.

PlayStation Universe – 7,5/10

It shouldn’t be surprising that Everybody’s Golf is a good fit for PSVR, but the manner in which Clap Hanz has interpreted its accessible take on the sport into the realms of virtual reality is indeed surprising. Though it may be relatively limited, it has essentially kept the spirit of Everybody’s Golf intact whilst changing the very way it’s played, and done so by stripping back the fluff and keeping things relatively simple. That’s very much the Everybody’s Golf way.

intheGame.nl – 7,5/10

A fun VR golfing game that has the basics covered very well. The game feels and plays smooth but after just a few hours you’ve seen everything the game has to offer.

Push Square – 7/10

Everybody’s Golf VR loses a little of the series’ trademark accessibility as part of its transition to PSVR, but putting in some practice is a worthwhile endeavour, as this is a seriously rewarding arcade sports game. The presentation is top-notch throughout, and while the package is a little light on content, everything that’s included has been polished to a sheen. This is the second time Clap-Hanz has reinvented its legendary PlayStation property for the PS4, and once again it’s registered a Nice Shot.

Metro GameCentral – 7/10

Colourful golfing action with a fascinating complexity to each swing – and a stealth workout – but relatively few courses.

Attack of the Fanboy – 7/10

Everybody’s Golf VR is yet another great PSVR experience to show off how cool VR technology can be, but the lack of game modes compared to its predecessors can quickly burn you out on what could have been one of the showpiece titles for PSVR.