Nioh 2

A Koei Tecmo anunciou que Nioh 2 ultrapassou a marca de 1 milhão de unidades vendidas em todo o mundo. Para efeitos de comparação, o Nioh original vendeu 3 milhões.

Para celebrar, uma atualização já está disponível para Nioh 2. Ao baixá-la, uma nova armadura (ilustrada abaixo) pode ser pega gratuitamente pelos jogadores.

O update também adiciona um Photo Mode, 9 novas missões e realiza ajustes gerais ao título. Nioh 2 está disponível para PS4. Veja a nossa análise e guia de troféus.

Atualização: o DLC “The Tengu’s Disciple” chega em 30 de julho. Veja o texto abaixo publicado no PlayStation.Blog.

Olá pessoal, já se passaram alguns meses desde o lançamento do Nioh 2 e muita coisa aconteceu desde então, para dizer o mínimo. Antes de tudo, gostaria de agradecer a todos os nossos fãs ao redor do mundo por ajudar a tornar nosso mais recente jogo de masocore (da era Sengoku) se tornar um sucesso global tão aclamado pela crítica. Não podemos agradecer o suficiente pelo seu apoio!

Estou aqui para compartilhar com vocês alguns detalhes da emocionante atualização que está entrando em vigor hoje, bem como informações sobre as expansões de DLC altamente esperadas.

Para começar, a principal atualização de hoje apresentará novos recursos atraentes, como o Modo Foto. Isso será muito mais do que um simples complemento, pois apresentará configurações detalhadas da câmera, como exposição da imagem, gradação, ajustes de iluminação e matiz e uma variedade de filtros dramáticos. Além disso, estamos fornecendo nove novas missões (Sub-missões / Twilight Missions) como parte desta atualização. Isso é apenas uma pequena parte do nosso compromisso maior de fornecer a vocês a experiência de jogo mais envolvente para o Nioh 2. E em nossos esforços para cumprir esse compromisso, prestaremos muita atenção aos seus comentários e continuaremos fornecendo atualizações quando pudermos. Esta é a nossa promessa para você.

Agora vamos pular algumas notícias do DLC. Planejamos lançar um total de três DLC de tamanho considerável e duradouro nos próximos meses para fornecer a vocês desafios adicionais. Haverá novas histórias, novos yokai, novos chefes ferozes, Guardian Spirits, novas habilidades, novas armaduras e uma nova arma que altera o desempenho das habilidades fora das posições definidas.

Além disso, novos níveis de dificuldade e conteúdo endgame serão adicionados para permitir que a campanha cresça mais, dando a vocês ainda mais conteúdo! É com prazer que anuncio que o primeiro desses emocionantes DLCs chama-se “The Tengu’s Disciple” e chega em 30 de julho*.

Falando dos próximos capítulos de DLC, aqui estão algumas pistas e contexto da história da continuação da saga Nioh 2.

Uma grande batalha ocorreu em Yashima no final do período Heian. Como visitante em Yashima, nosso protagonista encontra um santuário com um apito misterioso chamado Sohayamaru. Após a inspeção, o apito brilha radiante quando a sombra de Yokai pode ser vista à espreita no fundo. É revelado que sempre que ocorrem guerras, os heróis que manejam o Sohayamaru vão para a batalha para restaurar a paz de volta a esta terra.

Detalhes mais detalhados sobre “The Tengu’s Disciple” serão divulgados nos próximos meses, portanto, fique atento. Até a próxima vez, aproveite a nova atualização e boa sorte liberando sua escuridão! E o mais importante, por favor, fique seguro lá fora.

* Nioh 2 é necessário para jogar The Tengu’s Disciple (vendido separadamente)

Veja os patch notes na íntegra logo abaixo.

■ In Commemoration of Reaching One Million Copies

To celebrate reaching one million copies sold worldwide,” we are distributing the new “Million Demon Armor” to players. Players can receive the “Million Demon Armor” after updating to Ver. 1.09 by accessing the “Boons” section of the shrine.

*The number of copies sold is a total of both the number of packages shipped and the number of digital downloads.

■ New Features

Added New Missions

Mission Title Chapter Unlock Condition
The Chinese Bellflower Dagger Shadow Unlocked by clearing the main missions in “Shadow.”
The Child Prodigy’s Invitation Shadow Unlocked by clearing the side mission, “The Golden Nation.”
A Strong Bond Shadow Unlocked by clearing the main missions in “Twilight.”
Farewell to the Past Twilight Unlocked by clearing the main missions in “Twilight.”
Winds of Ruin Afterglow Unlocked by clearing the main missions in “Afterglow.”
The Trustworthy Afterglow Unlocked by clearing the main missions in “Afterglow.”
Wave of Terror Afterglow Unlocked by clearing the main missions in “Afterglow.”
Calamity’s Pulse Afterglow Unlocked by clearing the main missions in “Afterglow.”
Mountain of the Dark Lord (Twilight Mission) Unlocked by clearing the main missions in “Dawn.”

*These missions do not affect the conditions for obtaining the trophy “Samurai of Legend,” or the “Mission Achievement Rate” in “Dream of the Strong.”

*As is the case for other Twilight missions, the “Mountain of the Dark Lord” mission will appear at regular intervals.

Added Photo Mode

Activating the Photo Mode during gameplay will cause time to freeze, allowing you to adjust the camera angle and brightness, apply special filters and frames, and take photos of the in-game scenery using the Share button. You can access this mode by selecting “Photo Mode” from the status menu.

*You can also activate the Photo Mode during multiplayer expeditions, however time will not freeze in this case.

Added the Guardian Spirit, “Mizuchi”

Players can acquire this Guardian Spirit by completing a specific mission.

*This does not affect the acquirement conditions for the “Friend of Guardians” trophy.

Added the below items to the “Game Settings” section of the system menu.

  • Melee Weapon Display – Players can now hide equipped melee weapons while they are sheathed.
  • Ranged Weapon Display – Players can now hide equipped ranged weapons while they are sheathed.
  • Blood Splatter Display – Players can now choose to display or hide the blood splatter which appears on the player character’s face and armor.

Expanded the functionality to allow players to lock Soul Cores and perform Resting Rites at the results list when purifying Soul Cores.

■ Adjustments

  • Strengthened the following light armor set bonuses: “Master of Spears,” “Ruler of the Riverside Yokai,” A Multitude of Hopes,” “Master of Illusion,” “The Triumph of Tranquility,” “Head of the Iga Ninja,” “Righteous Strategist,” and “Tactician’s Ingenuity.”
  • Made it easier to be staggered when hit by enemy Burst Attacks on the “Dream of the Strong” mode.
  • Slightly reduced the amount of Amrita lost due to an enemy attack when the player is holding a large amount of Amrita.
  • Reduced the amount of Amrita that is lost through attacks from specific bosses
  • Increased the item drop rate when defeating an enemy using the “Dweller” Soul Core’s Yokai Ability.
  • Enhanced the Ki Damage inflicted by the “Water Drop” Kusarigama Skill.
  • Enhanced the Ki Damage inflicted by the “Second Wind” Kusarigama Skill.
  • Added information to the “Basic Action,” “Guarding and Dodging” tutorial regarding an interrupting guard which can be performed while staggered by enemy attacks.
  • Made changes so that “Benevolent Graves” can no longer be placed in locations that would obstruct the use of shrines or hot springs.
  • Made changes to display the number of tea utensils held and maximum carrying capacity when displaying tea utensil information on the “Items” screen.
  • Added “Sort by Splendor,” “Sort by Simplicity,” and “Sort by Eccentricity” to the tea utensil sort menu.
  • Changed the weapon information displayed on the “Equipment” and “Items” screens to reflect non-weapon-related Attack bonuses.

■ Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Kusarigama Skill, “Second Wind” would not always deal damage.
  • Fixed an issue where the Spear Skill, “Spear Flourish” would not down human enemies with 0 Ki.
  • Fixed an issue where the Dual Sword Skill, “Raijin,” could be activated without consuming Ki as expected.
  • Fixed an issue that occurs when the hatchet Mystic Art “Trained Throw” is set, where the enemy is not damaged by the first stage of the Mystic Art effect when triggered by the Hatchet Skill “Dragonfly II.”
  • Fixed an issue where the “Dual Hurl: Shadow” and “Dual Hurl: Light” Hatchet Skills would not always immediately respond to button input while “Trained Throw” was set as the active hatchet Mystic Art.
  • Fixed an issue where “Switch Stance: Edge” and “Switch Stance: Blade” would not activate when performing the Hatchet Skill “The Path of Three” in lower stance.
  • Fixed an issue related to the Ninja Skill “Sneak Attack,” where Ki damage inflicted by Swords and Odachi would be lower than other weapon types.
  • Fixed an issue where you would sometimes be unable to hit enemies downed by the Odachi Skill “Final Blow.”
  • Fixed an issue related to the “Shuten Doji” Soul Core’s Yokai Ability, where it would sometimes pass through barriers (doors etc.) and hit objects and characters.
  • Fixed an issue related to the “Yoki” Soul Core’s Yokai Ability, where damage would not occur on human enemies which were in an unthrowable state.
  • Fixed an issue where it would sometimes be difficult to get up and perform an attack when downed by certain enemies’ grappling attacks.
  • Fixed an issue where the Odachi Skill “Bolting Boar” would be activated by an attack from Ryomen Sukuna while in its red phase.
  • Fixed an issue related to Danzo Kato, where the effect of the Jutsu would not be triggered and he would continue to survive even if his health is reduced to 0 if he is hit by a special attack while using “Quick-change”.
  • Fixed an issue in the main mission, “In the Eye of the Beholder,” where an Acolyte’s battle gauge would increase when praying at the second shrine.
  • Fixed an issue in the main mission, “The High-spirited Demon,” where Acolytes would not move to the correct position to attack during the boss battle.
  • Fixed an issue in the boss battle of the main mission, “In the Eye of the Beholder,” where in rare cases the boss could not be defeated or items would not drop.
  • Fixed an issue in the side mission, “The Roaming Artisan,” where using a certain method to summon Visitors would sometimes result in it becoming impossible to proceed.
  • Fixed an issue in the side missions, “Song of the Yokai” and “Okuni’s Search,” where the message, “It seems this door must be opened from the other side” would display in empty areas.
  • Made fixes so that Familiarity is not lost when using a “Soul Purge Talisman” or a “Soul Release Talisman” at the Training Ground.
  • Fixed an issue that would occur when playing a mission with level sync applied, where Mujina might drop items of non-synced levels under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue related to the Jutsu cost on the “Ready Jutsu” screen, where the cost would sometimes be incorrectly rounded up by 1 when the fractional component of the cost is 0.
  • Fixed an issue related to “Builds,” where the state of the “!” marks on the Learn Skills screen would be saved and reproduced.
  • Fixed an issue related to the “number of hanging scrolls obtained” in the Gameplay Record, where the acquisition status of the Hanging Scrolls recorded on the system save data side would not be reflected when you have progressed with multiple character data.
  • Fixed an issue where the damage of some Yokai Abilities and Guardian Spirit Skills would not be displayed when the basic game setting “Damage display – Others” had been set to “off.”
  • Fixed an issue where the “Voice Pitch” setting from “Character Creation” would also apply to the player character while transformed.
  • Fixed an issue related to the Special Effects, “Increased Attack (Life Gained)” and “Increased Defense (Life Gained),” where their effects would not be triggered due to the Special Effect “Life Recovery (Amrita Absorption).”
  • Fixed an issue where “View Possible Finished Forms” is not selectable when Soul Matching equipment with a transferable icon to an item which was bestowed with 7 Special Effects through Soul Matching, even if there are multiple inheritable effects.
  • Fixed an issue where the results of the remodel may not be reflected temporarily on the Status Menu, when you “Remodel” equipped weapons or armor.
  • Fixed an issue where the status values required to “Refine” an item would not always be correctly reflected when performing a “Remodel” on armor.
  • Various other minor fixes.