Fighting EX Layer recebe atualização 1.1.4; veja os patch notes

Fighting EX Layer

A Arika anunciou que Fighting EX Layer recebeu uma atualização de versão 1.1.4 com diversas novidades.

Entre elas estão 9 músicas, cores “gold” e “silver” para Pullum e Rosso, ajustes no matchmaking, balanceamento e mais.

Vale ressaltar que a versão “Light” (a mais barata) de Fighting EX Layer não está mais à venda. A partir de agora, apenas a completa, mas com um preço menor.

Pricing and Sales

  • The sale of the Light Version and individual Gougi has been ended on PS4.
  • The prices of the Standard Version, Gougi Set, Hokuto, Color Set A have been adjusted on PS4.
  • The price of the Steam Version has been adjusted (Japan only).


New Features

  • 9 new BGM’s have been added to the default soundtrack.
  • The Gold/Silver colors for Pullum and Rosso are now on sale.
  • If your total Match Count (Wins, Losses, Ties) exceeds 1000 matches, then the Gold/Silver colors will be unlocked (Arcade Version only).
  • We’ve adjusted the way Matchmaking works so players will be able to find matches more frequently.


Game Balance

  • Adjusted the hitboxes on Jump Attacks for the entire cast.
  • Reduced the cross-up frames on Jump Attacks for the entire cast.
  • Made it so characters are not knocked back when getting hit or blocking a cross-up attack while jumping.
  • Adjusted the input for Command Grabs
  • Ryusui now has its own input (Shirase, Sanane).
  • Added a new Command Grab input for Hokuto, Allen, and Jack.
  • After Counter moves, the character is now completely invincible until the active frames of the follow-up attack.


Here are some character adjustments:



  • Jazan will always home in on your opponent’s position.
  • After a blocked Jazan, Garuda is now in a jumping state and the trajectory on the L, M, H versions has been adjusted.




  • The hitstop on Skullohead has been adjusted.




  • The H version of Shadow Press will always home in on the opponent’s position.




  • The damage on her Standing and Crouching normal attacks has been increased.
  • Shoot Kick damage has been increased.
  • Sliding Arrow now performs the grab follow-up on crouching opponent.
  • Chip Damage has been added to Sliding Arrow on block.
  • Slight change on Shoot Kick’s movement (easier for 2nd part to hit).


Lastly, some bug fixes for the update:

  • Fixed an issue where Hokuto’s hair would grow larger.
  • Fixed an issue where characters would be move in the wrong direction after being hit by Dark Wire from behind.
  • Fixed an issue where left and right positions would be swapper after Blaire’s Sliding Arrow.
  • Fixed an issue where Hayate’s cr.HP would not hit certain characters.
  • Fixed an issue where Kairi, Skullomania, and Hayate’s cr.HP would not hit certain characters.
  • Fixed an issue where Shadowgeist’s st.HP would hit certain characters in an unintended way.
  • Fixed an issue where Rosso’s st.MK would not be given dash properties.
  • Fixed an issue in Training Mode where certain visual effects would remain on screen after activating Ghost.
  • Fixed an issue in “Display” menu in Options where the displays did not properly match what was on screen.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gougi menu where sorting the Gougi would make one unable to switch Decks.
  • Fixed an issue in Training Mode where the effect of Power Reversal would not reset.
  • Fixed an issue in Expert Mode where you Win count from Kumite would be displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where your Expert Mode clear time would be saved in an unintended location.
  • Fixed an issue where unplugging and re-plugging a USB cable could lead to a crash (Steam Version only).